Vol.2: dis·tance
noun: an amount of space between two things or people.
verb: to make (someone or something) far off or remote in position or nature.
Here And Far: An Exploration in Meditation.
It was at the 250-lap mark that the tedium really set in. I’m used to putting one foot in front of the other for hours on end, dealing with the highs and lows of an ultramarathon or a tricky trail run, but this was different.
Film: This Distance.
We wanted to try to capture a snapshot of the moment we find ourselves in during San Francisco's “shelter in place” order, but the question became how to safely approach an intimate interview? This Distance documents personal impressions of this time with a few individuals as intimately and "socially distant" as possible.
A Covid View.
It’s May 2020, and San Francisco has looked a lot different as of late. Muni and school bus lots are full, while downtown streets and playgrounds are empty. This is our (aerial) perspective of San Francisco’s streets during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Passing time with (natural) wine.
We think of wine as a "message in a bottle" from its source. Each region provides a unique terroir, and each bottle can serve as a form of connection to a different part of the world. Here are a few recommended excursions you can take without leaving the house .
From A to B.
I started to see distance as an opportunity instead of an obstacle. I could go further and faster in the city. I was able to see more, hear more, and experience more every single time I needed to commute.
Film: One Star Reviews.
An unofficial spot for our dear friends at the National Park Service. America’s National Parks are some of the most beautiful places in the world. To visit them can be a once in a lifetime experience. It’s even said that they are America’s best idea. Well… unfortunately for some, there’s still room for improvement!

Rent a film. Support a coffee shop.
Stream or download A Film About Coffee on Vimeo and enter the code fourbfund at checkout to help support local coffee shop workers during the lockdown.